
Nishat Parvez is an Assistant Professor of Journalism and Media Studies. She received both her Bachelor of Social Science (BSS) and Masters of Social Science (MSS) degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. She earned her second Masters’s degree in Media Practice for Development and Social Change from the University of Sussex, the United Kingdom through the Commonwealth Masters Scholarship (2019). Her research examines a number of significant issues including media and politics, media for development, social change, gender, and cultural studies.

Prior to working at Jahangirnagar University, she served as a Lecturer of Journalism and Media Studies at Stamford University Bangladesh. Nishat was a fellow at the US Department of State-sponsored program ‘Study at US Institutes (SUSI)’ where she got the training on New Media and Journalism at the University of Washington, the United States in 2014. Nishat worked as a researcher with South Asian Women’s Network on a media monitoring project related to gender policy (2019-20). She was a research associate at Red Orange Communications and Bangladesh Nari Progoti Songho for a project related to women’s reproductive health (2016). She worked as a research assistant at the University of Bergen (Norway) on a media monitoring project regarding the Conference of Parties (COP)-21 in 2015.

Nishat started her career as a sports journalist at Boishakhi Television in 2012. She later worked at Channel-I, a leading media organization of Bangladesh, for five years. During her time there, she worked as a newsroom editor working on national and international news reports. Additionally, she was a news presenter for their mobile radio. She worked as a Communication Consultant in the non-government organization Helvetas (Swiss Incorporation). Nishat was a fellow at the Centre for Budget and Policy of the University of Dhaka, where she worked on the impact of the leather industry on the environment of Dhaka City. She worked as an Editing Assistant in the magazine ‘Jogajog’(Volume-10) published by the Srabon Prokashoni in June 2016.

At present, Nishat is working on a project named ‘Corporate Influence in the Choice of News in the COVID-19 Crisis” funded by Jahangirnagar University. Her recent publications are ‘How Does the Labour of Women Unveil the Coloniality of Power? An Anthropological Context of the RMG (Readymade Garments) Workers of Bangladesh’ in Global Journal of Human Social Science: A (2020) Volume 20 (18) and It Really Necessary to Make Everyone ‘Modern’? Representation of the Himba Tribe in ‘The British Tribe Next Door (2019)’ in International Journal of Advanced Research (2020), Volume 8 (11).

Besides her academic career, Nishat likes to work as a volunteer to promote peace, equality, and environmental policy. She participated as a volunteer in the Religious Youth Service of Universal Peace Foundation in Sri-Lanka in 2016. She was a volunteer with the Buddy Scheme, a networking and peer support scheme at the University of Sussex in 2019. She also served as a university representative in the Commonwealth North East Scholars Forum (2019-20) in the United Kingdom.

List of research articles

1. Consumer Behaviour through Facebook Advertising (A case study on jewelry pages for women), The Jahangirnagar Review Part-C, 2019 (Accepted for Publication).
2. How does the Labour of Women Unveil the Coloniality of Power? An anthropological context of the RMG workers of Bangladesh, Global Journal of Human Social Sciences, 2020, Volume 20(18), ISSN: 2249-460X.
3. Is It Really Necessary to Make Everyone ‘Modern’? Representation of the Himba Tribe in ‘The British Tribe Next Door (2019)’, International Journal of Advanced Research, 2020, Volume 8(11), ISSN: 2320-5407.
৪. অধিতত্ত্বের আলোকে সহ-সাংস্কৃতিক যোগাযোগ তত্তে¡র বিশ্লেষণ: যোগাযোগের দার্শনিক পর্যালোচনা, দ্য জাহাঙ্গীরনগর রিভিউ পার্ট-সি, জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, ২০১৮, ভলিউম ঢঢওঢ, পৃষ্ঠা: ১৮৩-২০৫, আইএসএসএন: ২৩০৬-৩৯২০।
5. Patterns of Use and Dependency on Smartphone by the Bangladeshi Urban Youths, Journal of Journalism and Media Studies, Dept. of Journalism and Media Studies, Jahangirnagar University, 2017, Volume: 3, Page: 1-18, ISSN: 2409-479X.
6. ‘Use of Social Media (Facebook) in Gulshan Terror Attack’, ICT for Development working paper series (Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID) & University of Liberal Arts, December-2016, Volume: 6 (1-2), Page: 6-22, ISSN: 2307-0099.
৭. মৃত্তিকা মায়া: শিকড়ের সন্ধানে ব্যর্থতা ও সার্থকতা, বাংলাদেশ ফিল্ম আর্কাইভ জার্নাল, বাংলাদেশ ফিল্ম আর্কাইভ, জুন-২০১৯, সংখ্যা ১৫, পৃষ্ঠা:১০৫-১১১, আইএসএসএন: ২০৭৪-২১৩৪।
৮. শিশুর প্রতি সহিংসতা, শিশু মনোজগত ও সাম্প্রতিক চলচ্চিত্র, বাংলাদেশ ফিল্ম আর্কাইভ জার্নাল, বাংলাদেশ ফিল্ম আর্কাইভ, ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭, সংখ্যা-১৩, পৃষ্ঠা: ৬৯-৭৫, আইএসএসএন: ২০৭৪-২১৩৪।
৯. বাংলাদেশের সাম্প্রতিক চলচ্চিত্রে সাংবাদিক চরিত্র নির্মাণ, বাংলাদেশ ফিল্ম আর্কাইভ জার্নাল, বাংলাদেশ ফিল্ম আর্কাইভ, জুন-২০১৭, সংখ্যা-১২, পৃষ্ঠা: ৩৫-৪২, আইএসএসএন: ২০৭৪-২১৩৪।
১০. বেলাশেষে: একুশ শতকে নারীর অবয়ব নির্মাণ, বাংলাদেশ ফিল্ম আর্কাইভ জার্নাল, বাংলাদেশ ফিল্ম আর্কাইভ, ডিসেম্বর-২০১৬, সংখ্যা-১১, পৃষ্ঠা: ৯২-১০১, আইএসএসএন: ২০৭৪-২১৩৪।


Bangladeshi Media in a ‘Democratic’ System, September 2020, submitted to the School of Arts and Humanities, the University of Sussex.

Book Chapter

Parvez, N. (2020), Gender Discrimination in Media: Bangladesh Perspective, in Women’s Voice: A search for feminist consciousness, Hussain, N. A. & Jolly, P. (ed.)., PP. 439-455, Dhaka: Sangbed.

Research report

1.‘Women in Bangladeshi Media Industry: Towards Gender-Sensitive Policy’, This report was presented at 10th SWAN Conference, 2 September 2019, New Delhi, India. Published as ‘The Report on the Status of Women in South Asia (March 2020), edited by Veena Sikri, Jaishri Jethwaney, and Ratan Kumar Roy. This report was published by the South Asia Women’s Network (SWAN), New Delhi.

Conference Papers

1. ‘Use of Social Media (Facebook) in Gulshan Terror Attack’, First National Conference on Mass Communication and Journalism, 29-30 November 2016, Dhaka
2. ‘Advertising on Facebook: Consumerism and Trends (Case Study: Bangladesh)’, East-West University Conference on New Media and Identity Formation, January 21, 2017, Dhaka.
3. ‘The impact of social media in social movements: A Study on Bangladesh Road Safety Movement’ (2020), 6th World Conference on Media & Communication (MEDCOMM), Sardinia, Italy (Abstract Accepted).

Research Grants

১. ব্যক্তির ‘নতুন পরিচয়’ বিনির্মাণে ফেসবুক: বাংলাদেশি তরুণ সমাজের প্রেক্ষাপট, জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অর্থায়নে প্রকল্প, ২০১৮।
২. ডিজিটাল নিরাপত্তা আইন ও অনলাইন গণমাধ্যমে অনুসন্ধানী সাংবাদিকতা: একটি সমীক্ষা, বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় মঞ্জুরী কমিশনের অর্থায়নে প্রকল্প, ২০১৮।

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